Alcohol Research & Health; American Journal of Sociology; American Journal of Political Science; American Political Science Review; American Politics Research; American Review of Politics; American Sociological Review; British Journal of Sociology; City and Community; Economic Development Quarterly; Health and Place; Health Services Research; Journal of Community Practice; Journal of Consumer Affairs; Journal of European Social Policy; Journal of Health Politics; Journal of Organizational Ethnography; Journal of Policy Analysis and Management;Journal of Politics; Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory; Journal of Urban Affairs; Journal of Urban Economics; Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly; Perspectives on Politics; Policy and Law; Policy Studies Journal; Political Research Quarterly; PS: Political Science & Politics; The Professional Geographer; Public Administration Review; Publius: The Journal of Federalism; Public Opinion Quarterly; Sexuality Research and Social Policy; Social Problems; Social Science Quarterly; Social Service Review; Social Work Research; State and Local Government Review; Urban Affairs Review.
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